onsdag 21 februari 2018

Hell hound

Baxter är en hund som vet vad han vill. Han vill ha den perfekta ägaren och inget stoppar honom.

Man får berättelsen i boken berättad genom Baxters ögon och vissa kapitel genom människorna i Baxters närhet. Krypande obehagligt och jag kommer aldig mer att se på en hund på samma sätt.

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"What are the possibilities of my strength? That is a thought I have never had before. What if some morning as the old woman stood at the head of the staircase she were suddenly to feel a weight thrusting against the back of her legs? What if she were to lunge forward, grasping at the air, striking her thin skull against the edge of a stair? What would become of me if she were found unmoving at the bottom of the stairway??

Such are the thoughts of Baxter, a sociopathic bull terrier on the hunt for the perfect master, as he contemplates the demise of his first victim."

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